Argala or Planetary intervention: The word argala means Intervention. So in vedic astrology argala means planetary intervention. Planets give subhargala (benefic intervention), virodhargala & papargala (negative intervention). Argala is a sanskrit word which means obstruction.If a planet is placed in 4th,2nd,11th house from any planet or house,it gives birth to argala combination.These 4th,2nd,11th houses serve as argala houses for that planet or house from which they have these positions. For eg.suppose Jupiter is placed in 4th house,then the planets placed in 4th,2nd and 11th house from Jupiter and 4th house will form argala combination for Jupiter and they will enhance effects of Jupiter and this will be argala of Jupiter.But this argala combination will also get obstructed and stand cancelled if from that planet or house forming argala in the 3rd,10th and 12th respectively there is some planet. Thus argala is formed if Jupiter is placed in the 4th house and there is some p...