Rahu transit in Taurus For India 👉 In the Year 2020, Planet Rahu will make its transit in the zodiac sign Gemini at the beginning of the year and will remain there till 23rd September 2020. It will again transit on the 23rd of September at 8:20 am, from Gemini to Taurus. Rahu will enter earthy and fixed sign Taurus and Ketu will enter watery and fixed sign Scorpio at 12:54 on September 23, 2020, up to 06:21 on April 12, 2022. During these 18 months of journey, Rahu will transit three stars namely, Mrigasira, Rohini, and Krittika in Taurus. On the other hand, Ketu will transit Jyestha, Anuradha, and Vishakha stars in Scorpio. Rahu transits to 11th house and Ketu 5th house of India independent Moon chart and 1st and 7th house in Rasi chart of India as the ascendant of Indian natal chart is Taurus. Taurus and Scorpio are considered as exaltation signs for Rahu-Ketu. In the natal chart of India, Rahu moves in Taurus and Ketu moves in Scorpio. This transit will be 4th cycl...