Heart Disease comes under the category of cardiovascular disease – what includes all type of heart related diseases, disease of blood vessels etc. Indications are very much known to us. “Stroke” and “Angina Pectoris (chest pain)” are very common of them. Nowadays high blood pressure has become also a big problem. People take medicine for long period of time, some for whole life. But, they do not know that through proper yoga and Ayurvedic or Homeopathic treatment the disease can be cured Permanently. By taking some other pills you are just making your heart more weaker day by day and making your body dependent on those medicines. What causes Heart Attack? Increased concentration of carbon dioxide concentration in blood- Excess of carbon dioxide begins reaching to the heart which hampers proper functioning of heart. In simple words the main activity area, which is ruled by Ketu, fails to function properly. So Ketu’s affliction in forth house along with Sun is responsible for worseni...