We can calculate the Rashi of a person by seeing the Nakshatra of the person and its part. If a person is born in Mesha Rashi,his nakshatra should be between Ashwini to krittika 1st part nakshatra.From 2nd part of krittika nakshatra to 1st part of Mrigashirsha nakshatra born people have vrishabh rashi and so on.Each zodiac in our birth chart is of 30 degree and a nakshatra consists of 13 degree 20 minutes.It has four parts and each part is therefore 3 degree 20 minutes.Moon is Exalted in vrishabh(Taurus) and Debillited in vrishchika(Scorpio).Many detailed prediction of our life can be made based on nakshatra and Dasha system.
Examination of the left hand or Right hand in Palmistry? According to ancient treatise on palmistry(Samudrika Shastra),a women's left hand and a man's right hand should be read for making predictions.But in modern age,as women have become equally capable as men,research shows that the left hand indicates the qualities of a person and right hand indicates the changes brought in life according to his/her karma. As a result,the active hand with which a person is writes should be considered more important and the other hand should be taken as minor hand.There is no need to distinguish between men and women in this score. For example,if a right handed person has some defect in the life line of the left hand(indicating qualities),but at the same point the life line of the right hand(karma) has no defects,it can be said that the person may have some health issues, surgeries,etc at that point of life which will get cured by treatment(karmas). ...
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