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Sun and Jupiter Conjunction in Vedic Astrology

Sun+Jupiter Conjunction📣

➡Sun is the kingly planet according to Vedic astrology. It represents self-confidence, soul, ego, authority within us and also the government, father.
➡On the other hand,Jupiter represents wealth, knowledge and happiness in life. It's the concentration ability to learn. It's the knowledge that we gain in this lifetime. Jupiter represents teachers and guru's in our life. It's a big planet, so where ever it placed and aspects expand that house.This major conjuction happens once a year as Sun completes to travel one Rashi in 30 days.

Some major things to notice about this conjunction are:

    ⛰This conjunction gives excellent career as university professors and vice chancellors. We can say simply as " raja guru". Native can work as an adviser to the government. Can enjoy the nominated posts (like chairman TTD) in religious institutions.
⛰This conjunction in 1st, 9th and 10th houses, good career as teachers, lecturers and as astrologers. In 2nd, 4th, 5th and 11th houses natal could be a finance guru who will have excellent knowledge of finance.
⛰Jupiterian expansion and the Solar power and will  are in action under this conjunction. Due to Solar  vibrations the individualistic side of nature is activated  while due to Jupiterian vibrations noblest side of one’s being are activated as a result an urge for creative social  endeavor is generated in better evolved individuals.
⛰The results of this conjunction can vary  according to the characteristics of the sign occupied by  the two planets. 
⛰Person with Jupiter Sun conjunction have great influence of father in life or any father figure in life.
⛰If Jupiter is within 12Degree of Sun’s position then Jupiter will be combust in chart and the signification of Jupiter in chart will get reduced whether its good or bad.
⛰If Jupiter gets conjunct with debillitated Sun in libra,then the effects may also get reduced depending on the house it is posited.
⛰Lordship of both the planets also matters a lot.For eg,if any of both the planets becomes a functional malefic i.e lord of any dusthan house(6,8,12) then the effect of the conjunction may lose as per the natural and Chara karaka represented by that planet.

For eg,if we take an ascendant like Capricorn,Sun becoming the 8th lord i.e(Leo).If suppose Sun is placed in Libra with Jupiter being debillitated.Then we can  conclude that the father of the native may face lot of troubles,health issues and hospitalisation if Sun's Mahsdasha falls in his/her life.The native himself may have a troubled career,health issues and come in association with wicked people.But it is also forming a vipreet rajyoga,so success can be expected after troubles as well.The 10th lords position,karaka and degree factor and divisional charts,etc should also be checked before coming into further conclusions and holistic analysis of the chart should be done...

Hope this helps...
Thank you... 🙏🙏


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