Career Determination:Business or Service in Vedic Astrology❓
✅Selection of profession between job and business is very important decision of life..There are many astrological factors which need to be considered.Astrological readings can also suggest whether you can enjoy smooth success in your job or business ventures. This is always a difficult task to choose among Job or Business, astrology can help you in this work.
The houses which we should consider while analysing profession are👉
🙎Ascendant: whatever is the field education, marriage or profession the strength of ascendant and its lord play very important role.
➡10th house/lord: 10th house and its lord from ascendant/Moon sign/Sun signs are pivots for determine the profession whether service or business.
⛔3rd house/lord: indicates courage and initiative for professional life, risk and speculation taken in life. Sometimes it indicates over confidence of the native.
🔔5th house/lord:Represents knowledge, education, intuition and intelligence of a person.Besides high position it indicates risk and speculations taken in professional life.
⛰6th house/lord:Indicates loans from bank or financial institutes, funds rising and the employees working under the native.
🌏7th house/lord:Represents professional relationships and business partnerships, independent skilled professions.
🌐9th house/lord:This is house of luck or fortune of the native; it also indicates distribution or circulation of money, dignity of a person, foreign travels, and government favors.
🎁11th house/lord: This is house of gain and income in one's life.
🎆Planets concerning the different profession:
Each planet indicates the key profession and influence of a particular planet in the 10th, 2nd, and 11th house. It also indicates the area of profession one will likely do. Below are the planets and their corresponding high-level profession:
• Mercury – Scientist, engineers, writers, journalist, publisher, accountants, bankers
• Venus – Artists, creative workers, fashion designers, architects, automobile owners
• Sun, Moon, Mars – Government services; sun for administration, moon for people service and mars for the military and police
• Saturn – Hardworking jobs
• Rahu & Ketu – Routine jobs
• Jupiter – Philosopher, astrologers, spiritual activist, lawyers & judges, etc
Important point for service or business:
⛔Evaluate strength of 6th house and 7th house if 7th is stronger then 6th house then business is more suitable for you.
Planetary position/combination favourable for business➡
• 2nd, 7th and 9th house in a horoscope are analyzed to determine the possibility of owning and running a business. If the planetary conditions of the above-mentioned houses are benefic and supports the ascendant in the 10th house, then the native is likely to own a business. The more strong the house is, the more profitable the business will be. Likewise, Mercury is the planet ruling the business source. If Mercury in the 7th, 2nd, 11th or 10th house is strong or is connected with the lord of 10th, 9th or 2nd house in the horoscope then the person will be inclined towards owing a busines.
• The Chart Must have very strong Dhana Yoga and Raj Yoga Present. Business is all about creating wealth. So strong Dhana Yogas and Raj Yogas are easily seen in the Horoscope of famous Businessman.
• 3rd House is the house of Initiative and Mars signifies self effort. When There is any Relation Between 3rd house or 3rd Lord with 10th house or 10th lord and 9th house or 9th lord as well as Mars, the person may choose Self employment.
• The ascendant lord being strongly placed in the 3rd house of the horoscope or Moon being beneficially placed in the 3rd house of the horoscope can give self employment in its mahadasha.
Planetary Combinations favourable for service👉
• If number of fixed signs planets are more than number of planets in common or movable signs in a horoscope the native will chose the profession which demands patience, peace, tolerance and stability like Government jobs, medical profession or in achieves.
• The 6th lord in the ascendant or vice versa or the ascendant and 6th lord conjoined in any beneficial house and if the 6th lord is strong enough can give service related profession in its mahadasha.
• If there is any strong relation forming between the 6th and 10th house or their lords without any major impact of the 3rd,7th or 9th house can also give service related profession in its dasha.
🎈Role of Dasamsa🎈
Since the 10th house refers to career in astrology, the 10th division of Rashi chart which is called Dasamsa play a major role in deciding the career. In my opinion, the dasamsa shouldn’t be read in isolation. It should always be read along with Rashi and Navamsa chart.
The 10th lord in Dasamsa and the planet influencing 10th house in the dasamsa would indicate career related to the influencing planet. If the same planet gets influenced in Rashi and Navamsa chart then we can predict the field of a career with certainty.
Hope this helps....
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