What is the effect of Mars in 7th house?
The 7th house in Astrology is about partnerships, the most important being the wedlock (or marriage). The 7th house in the house series marks a big shift in analysing the destiny of an individual. Till the house number 6, the focus was on self and the issues related to the self. But house number 7 onwards, the focus shifts to the other, the 1st and foremost is your marriage and your life partner.
➡Here,Mars affects seventh house significance viz. marriage, spouse, partnerships, business, contract, divorce, spouse appearance, marriage age, manglik dosha etc. Mangal graha results varies for all ascendants, depending upon with strength from exalted to debilitated, retrograde, friendly or enemy signs, weak or strong.Here, Mangal or Mars in seventh House creates Mangal Dosha of good strength or exaltation by placement, being malefic surely create hindrance in marital disharmony of native. Marriage part must be handled carefully with proper match making and manglik dosha balancing.
- Males and females with 7th house mars will feel sexual detachment or less association from marriage partner for sure which in turn incites native for extra-marital indulgence.
- Generally, native with Mars in seventh House will not earn much respect from spouse & often faces humiliation through spouse.
- Female native with seventh house Mars usually have issues in internal reproductive organs, piles and face having blemishes, scars etc. and spouse may also have urinary trouble.Also health troubles may occur depending on the sign in which mars is posited.
If lord of the 7th house is in the 8th, 3rd or 4th house, the individual would acquire immovable property in another country. Separation with spouse owing to circumstances, parental pressure, mal-adjustment is also a destiny created by Mars in the 7th house. Depending ‘on mahadasa and sub-period of Mars or Saturn or influence of Saturn or Rahu (by transit movement) with the 7th house or in the 7th house itself and Mars therein, the separation is very likely to last a long term.
As the seventh house of a horoscope primarily deals with the marriage and married life of the native, the placement of benefic exalted Mars in this house of a horoscope can especially prove good for the marriage and married life of the native under its influence. The benefic results given by such benefic exalted Mars may increase if it forms Manglik.For eg,If benefic exalted Mars forms Manglik Yoga in the seventh house in the horoscope of a female native, she may get married to a man who may hold a post of power and authority in some government department. At the same time, if benefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the first house of her horoscope, the female native under the combined effect of these benefic influences may get married to a police officer or an army officer. The husband of this female native may hold a good rank of authority in one of these services and this female native may witness rise in her social status and authority after marriage, by virtue of her husband.
Remedies for Mars(Mangal) in 7th house:
- Place solid piece of silver in the house for prosperity.
- Always offer sweets to daughter, sister, sister-in-law and widows.
- Repeatedly build a small wall and destroy it.
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