⛰Importance of Jaimini Astrology in Marriage ⛰
⛔Jaimini Astrology has given many principals for judging the quality of marriage or relationship in a horoscope, which if applied along with Parshari principals given very good results. In jaimini system the following parameters are broadly taken into account in a horoscope to find out the happiness or unhappiness from marriage.
1. Darakaraka: In the chara Karaka system of Jaimini astrology, the Darakaraka is the planet having least degrees in chart. The Darakaraka apart from many other significations, represents spouse, love affairs, relationship and infatutations. The position of Darakara is also analysed in the Navamsha Kundali for deeper understanding.
2. Darapada : In Jamini system the ‘Pada’ or Arudha signifies the external manifestations of houses. An Arudha or Pada of a particular house tells us how the significations of that house are perceived by others. Arudha signifies illusions or Maya of the materialistic world in the form of public perception about the native.
3.Upa –Pada: The upa-Pada is the ‘Pada’ or ‘Arudha’ of the 12th house. In Jaimini system the qualities of the spouse and his family is seen from the 2nd house of upa-pada.
4.The 7th house from Karakamsha ; In Jamini system the Navamsha of the Atma Karaka is put on the birth chart and described as Karakamsha Lagan. The 7th house from Karakamsha lagan is to be judged to see the prospect of marriage or relationship.
➡Venus : The condition of Venus which holds the natural signification of marriage is also to be Judged. The influences of benefic and malefic planets have to be taken into account as per Jamini aspects.
The benefic planets in order of their beneficence are Jupiter and Mercury > venus > Moon > Ketu.
The Malefic planets in order of their maleficience are: Rahu > Saturn > Mars > Sun.
• Mark the Atmakaraka in the rashi chart of couples to see their intellectual compatibility. If the Atmakaraka of couples are in 3/11 or 9/5 or Kendra from each other then it is good for marriage and relationship.
• If both the Darakaraka and Atma Karaka of couples are in 6/8 position or 2/12 position from each other then it is not a welcome thing.
• Also notice whether the Darakaraka or Atmakaraka planets of the couples are natural friends or Enemies.
For the timing of marriage in the chart as per Jaimini see the DK with chara Dasha requiring at the time of marriage.The overlapping Dasha from Vimshottari and Jamini is the time period of marriage. Use Double transit to confirm.
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