Pitra Dosh is actually a karmic debt of the ancestors. It is reflected in the Kundli in a form of malefic planetary combinations and is to be paid by the person having Pitra dosha in his Kundli. To put it simply, Pitra dosh is formed in a person’s horoscope, when his/her ancestors have committed some sin or mistake.Presence of Pitra Dosha in one’s horoscope may bring about some inevitable and unexpected hardships in the native’s life. It causes severe ups and downs in one’s lifespan. The native tends to suffer from a lack of mental decisiveness and money.
General Traits of Pitra Dosh
- One can have a dream of ancestors asking you for food or clothes.
- If the person or any other family member see dreams related to snakes hint towards Pitra dosh.
- People suffering from” Pitra Dosh” regularly remains under debts and are unable to clear their debt despite all their efforts.
How to find Pitra dosha in Kundli (Horoscope)? The Sanskrit word Pitra means father/forefather. According to Hindu Vedic astrology Sun is karaka for the father. If Sun is placed in the 9th house or 9th house is afflicted by malefic Sun, then the birth chart of that person clearly indicates Pitra Dosha. Followings are few more planetary combinations that indicate the Pitra Dosha:
• Sun with Rahu or 9th house lord with Rahu
• Sun with Saturn or 9th house lord with Saturn
• Rahu in the 9th house.
• The 5th house lord is either being associated with malefic planets or staying in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses.
• The presence of debilitated planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu in the 5th house.
Some Negative Effects of Pitra Dosha are:
Difficulties and struggles in career.
• It could delay/ unsuccessful marriage.
• Difficulties in conceiving or childbirth.
• A new born may have mental and physical disabilities.
• Continuous struggles and disputes in the family.
• There may be unnatural deaths.
• Robbery, fire, or accidents in the house.
• Regular health disorders.
• Lack of financial stability and a person often remains under debt despite of all efforts.
• One can see dreams related to snakes which is a hint towards this dosha.
• One can have a dream of ancestors requesting for food or clothes.
• It may create an unfavourable environment in the household and there may be a fight between the husband and wife on insignificant matters.
• A person might lose his reputation in society as well as the ill effects of Pitra Dosh could even go to an extent that a person may serve a long sentence in prison.
Remedies of Pitra Dosh
- Offer water to Banyan tree regularly.
- Keep fasts to reduce the effects of Dosha.
- Organize Pooja or Mantra Jap to nullify the effects of past sinful activities done by ancestors.
- Give food to Brahmins on every Amavasya.
- If the person will worship the Peepal tree then Pitra will be removed. If he will offer Kheer to his manes on the day of Somvati Amavasya then Pitra Dosha will be removed. You can also offer food and clothes to Brahmins on every Amavasya to reduce negativity of Pitra Dosha
- Donate food, blankets, bedding and clothes on the day of Ardh-Kumbha-Snaan.
- Give food and milk to cows, street dogs, crows and ants.
- One must do Shraad to get blessings fron the ancestors. At times, Re-births takes place when the souls does not rest in peace and we have to clear the debts of our forefathers.Our Pitras accepts the donation, food, and water if it is do is done when Sun is in Kanya sakranti in Ashwin Krishna Paksha.
Relationship between Pitradosh and Vastu
Pitra is located in the south west corner of the house i.e. naitratya kon. Whenever full Pitradosh gets formed in the horoscope of a person, rahu (which symbolizes negative energy) gets strong, and negative energy reflects on the house of the person. In a house, positive energy flows from ishan kon and negative energy flows from naitratya kon. Whenever, in a horoscope, Pitradosh exists (i.e. Rahu gets strong), in that situation the house in which person lives has vaastu dosh in naitratya kon.
Hope this helps….
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