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Story of Revati Nakshatra

What is Revati Nakshatra?

Revati is the Hindu name for Zeta Piscium, a star on the edge of the Pisces zodiac constellation. In Hindu sidereal astronomy this star is identified as the First Point of Aries, i.e. when the Sun crosses this star, a new solar year begins.
Revati being the final and the last nakshatra out of the twenty seven nakshatras possess the ability to offer nourishment and light to the life of its natives. The star has its association with fruitful journeys. The meaning of Revati is ‘wealthy’ and it signifies prosperity and wealth. The natives of Revati nakshatra offers a helping hand to everyone and remain optimistic at most of the times.


“The Wealthy Star”

Symbol:  Fish or a Pair of Fish, A Drum (called Naggada, a type of Indian drum played with two sticks).

Animal Symbol: Female elephant

Ruling planet: Mercury
Nature: Deva (god like)
Presiding deity: Pushan – the nurturer protector of flocks and herds is invoked for safe travel.

Degree Range

Pisces 16°40' to Pisces 30°00'

Charan Rashi / Navamsha

Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Deity:Pushan - God of safety


Nature:Soft, Mild or Tender (mridu)


Meaning:Generous prosperity







Movement:level (sideways)

Body Part:Ankles



Resemblence:Dissolution (laya or samhara)

Animal:Female Elephant

Favourable:  Initiations, Marriage, Sexuality, Transaction and Dealership of Goods, Music, Art, Occult, Spirituality, Healing, Leisure Actions and Gardening, Conclusions, Business or Financial Matters, Exchanging Goods, Music, Drama, and Creative Activities, Charity, Studying Spiritual or Occult Teachings, Healing and Treating Ailments, Activities for Leisure and Relaxation, ending or Completing Activity

Unfavourable:  Activities requiring Severe Tactics or Bold Action, Overcoming Obstacles, Enmity, Calamities, Sharp Actions, Surgery, Physically Strenuous Activities, the Last Two Padas of Revati are not Supportive for Beginning a New Activity.

General Behavioral Traits :

Among their many positive traits are

  • Lifes twists and turns seldom affect them.
  • Keen intelligence with a grand passion for learning makes them knowledgeable about a variety of things.
  • Interacting with people and learning their thinking patterns intrigue the natives.
  • people and being their pillar of strength, they possess a magnetic personality.
  • They are pious, religious, traditional, and live by their moral code.
  • Providing constructive criticism to help people improve is a trait that their colleagues will appreciate.
  • As optimists, they can see the silver lining in every challenge that comes their way.

They are not without negative traits.

  • Easily susceptible to loneliness and depression.
  • Strict adherence to moral principles can give way to stubbornness and head-strong ideas.
  • Being religious implies they can be superstitious.
  • Low self-esteem, overindulgence, resentfulness are other negative traits commonly seen in Revathi borns.
  • It also often noticed that the natives have low fertility capacities.

Physical Characteristics :

  • Men born under Revathi have a splendid physique, are moderately tall, have a symmetrical body with a fair complexion.
  • Women born under Revathi are gorgeous with beautiful eyes and a fair complexion.

Career Options for Revati Nakshatra Born People

Career opportunities based on scientific research, archaeological survey, poetry and literature are suitable for natives with Revathi in ascendance. Putting into use his wisdom and social acumen he can also be successful in careers related to administration, astrology and astronomy.


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